How To Attempt Your NET

How To Attempt Your NET : Attempting an entrance exam is not just about studying hard, it’s also going in with a strategy. Once your preparation is done, think about how you’re going to attempt your NET. It’s a race against time, to be honest. Here I discuss some valuable points I feel you should know while going in for your NET. Take my advice because it comes from experience.

How To Attempt Your NET

Manage time:

Time management is the most important of tricks you need to have up your sleeve. If you’re bad at it, this may be the right time to learn it. You have 200 MCQ’s and 3 hours to attempt them. Don’t calculate how many MCS’s you’ll have to do in one minute in order to finish in time. Some questions take 10 seconds, some take 2 minutes. Give a lengthy question the time it needs. If you’re not sure about a question don’t waste time on it, you can always come back to it.

Which sections to attempt first:

Attempt the section with the most weightage first. For instance if you’re applying for the engineering program attempt Mathematics first, attempt Biology first if you’re applying for the Medical Program and likewise for others. These sections not only have the most number of questions but they are also the toughest. At the beginning of the test you’re fresh and you know that you have 3 more hours to go and there’s no pressure that you won’t be able to finish that section in time. Once you’ve completed the highest weightage section move onto the next higher weightage one and so on. Once you come to the English and IQ portions you’ll realize that 35 minutes are enough to finish those. All the while do keep an eye on the clock, you wouldn’t to spend all the time at the start and be panicking at the end.

Don’t Rush:

The pressure of an entry test is a big one. The biggest fears that adds to that pressure is not being able to finish in time. So most people tend to rush through the exam. This is the biggest mistake you can make. Take it from a person who has attempted the NET, you will have enough time! Read questions properly, take your time and keep you nerves calm.

Save your Answers:

The computer-based NET has a very systematic way of working. Once you’ve logged in, select which section to attempt and when you’ve selected an answer save it. If you don’t save it your answer will not be recorded and you can only imagine what that would lead to. Each MCQ page has a save button at the end, click it before moving on. This, however, does not mean you can’t change your answer. Anytime you change your mind, select the new option and save it. Moreover, if you’re not sure about a question you can mark it and go back to it later.

Don’t leave out any Questions:

NET does not have negative marking, so don’t leave a question unattempted. If you’re not sure about an answer, there’s still a 25% chance you’ll get it right. Leave such questions for the end though. Don’t waste time on them when you could be doing questions you actually know the answers to.

Recommended Books: 

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